Our services
- Procurement and Supply services
- Consultancy services
- Consultancy services:
- Research consultation: At Nnatopraiz we are happy to provide experts in your area of research interest to provide expert advice, guidance and support to your research inquiries. Our consultation services are available to organizations, institutions, and individuals including research PIs, Early Career scientists and postgraduate and undergraduate students. Our services can encompass the entire research process or specific aspects of research based on individual cases. Drop us an email with your enquiries and someone will get back to you within 24 hours to arrange a formal meeting.
- Event consultancy: Our team is happy to meet with you to discuss what event you want. We provide expert guidance, ideas and management to make your dream event come through. We are experts in the organisation of formal events like workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, new intake welcome ceremonies, graduation ceremonies etc. We can improve the value of your institution with our expert monthly, annual, or biannual event planning packages. Our event hosting services can take off the burden of some aspects of your organisation/ institution’s important demands while giving you the time and space you need to focus on other pressing matters. Drop us an email with your enquiries and someone will get back to you within 24 hours to arrange a formal first meeting.
- Collaboration consultation: Our professional team of experts works tirelessly at Nnatopraiz to provide our clients with the information and strategic guidance required to find an excellent partner to collaborate with for research, and business purposes. Our team can assist in enhancing teamwork and fostering innovative ideas between our clients and their potential collaborators. The difference between you and meeting your dream collaborators may be our services. Drop us an email with your enquiries and someone will get back to you within 24 hours to arrange a formal first meeting.